Winterizing Chicken Coops with Feed bags.

Using feed bags to winterize The Kuntry Klucker.

Daylight is retreating, leaves cover the ground and frost blankets the early morning hours. This is natures way of telling us that a change of season is upon us. As backyard chicken keepers, it’s time to prepare the coop and flock for the coming cold weather and winter precipitation. Old man winter is on his way.

For new keepers, the first winter with chickens can be a time of apprehension and anxiety. I know these feelings all too well I was there 12 years ago with my flock as winter approached. Fortunately, winterizing a chicken coop is simple with minimal cost, no more than the cost of a bag of feed.

The TARDIS wrapped and ready for winter.

Chickens are simple creatures; they need a clean and dry place to call home. Contrary to popular opinion, chickens do not require heaters or other “creature comforts” to weather the worst of old man winter. Chickens come factory installed with down coats; they need a barrier around their coop and pen to buffer the worst winter winds and weather.

The Kuntry Klucker protected as the snow blankets the ground. The ladies and gents are warm and cozy inside.

Typically, I use construction grade plastic to buffer the worst of old man winter. This year, with rising inflation and supply issues, I decided to wrap my coops with feeds bags.

We are all familiar with these feed bags. They are tough heavy bags sold for 25 or 50 pounds at farm/feed stores. Due to the weight, they have to contain, they are made of tough material. They are water and weather-resistant and make excellent barriers to buffer winter winds and precipitation.

Purina 50 lb feed bags.

The procedure for this project is fairly straight forward. Remove the ends of the bags by cutting away the reinforced seam, then cut the bags down the side to allow them to lay flat. With a staple gun, simply staple the bags to the wood around the coop and pen. This is best done with a few helpers, someone can prepare the bags, another can assist in positioning the bags against the wood. That’s it, it’s that simple to prepare your coop and flock for winter.

Visit my YouTube channel to see a video of me winterizing The Kuntry Klucker. I also have a timelapse video of this process.

Here are more tips on keeping you flock happy, healhty and entertained duirng the long winter season.

I am a published author, multi-disciplinary writer and blog contributor. If you like this blog, please visit some of my other sites.

Knowledge of the Spheres – A journey through the Cosmos!

Coffee and Coelophysis – A blog about Dinosaurs!

Chicken Math University- Adventures in Homeschooling.

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~ The KuntryKlucker Crew ~